Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The reason by Amelia Ho

I post this in conjuction with Amelia having her new blog.

Written with the thought of a group of three orphans in mind [ with no specific reason ].

‘The tide waits for no man’, as they say

I stand by the ocean and


‘Why do these waves sound

The same…


So completely different from the ones I know?’

But no answer comes

And I figured…

If I keep falling into

The darkness of the sea…

…Why keep trying…?

Then a voice

‘Stop mopping, you silly!’

With a bob to my head

I look at them – one frowning

Reprimanding and the other

Grinning, amused

I smile again

‘It’s nothing,’ I hear myself reply

But at the same time

The latter that has yet to talk

Grinned, as if

Understanding my dilemma

And I realized…

My friends…

They are all I live for…


They are the one I keep trying for.

~ © Amelia, 3rd April, 2007.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

1 year service in MCJ EXCO

May 10, 2008 is the final day for me as one of the EXCO member in Malaysia Club Jakarta (MCJ) for the year 2007/2008. Although I was nominated to stay on for another term, I politely decline as I felt that a yearly change of the EXCO members is good for the Malaysian community. More so, for the club to be more vibrant and relevant with fresh ideas full of zest and life for the benefit of the community at large. Nevertheless, it wasn’t easy to serve in a non-profit organization on a voluntary basis. Granted that everybody have their work, business and personal matters to take care, but I suppose, with a little bit of passion here and there, the new EXCO will try to do their best for MCJ members.

I would not delve into what has been achieved or otherwise as the out-going President Mr. Ch’ng Chin Hon have given a full account which was adopted by the members at the AGM. What I would like to say here is to express my heartfelt appreciation to the previous EXCO that I’ve worked with. It’s been a joy and fun year doing my part as a Malaysian in serving the MCJ community. Thanks guys.

As an afterthought, if more Malaysian were to make themselves available and show just a little “Malaysianess” in them (obviously the more caring, concern and a sense of community living Malaysian minus the ahem... politics), I personally think MCJ will be a very much better club. After all, MCJ is for Malaysian by Malaysian.
With this, I wish the 2008/2009 MCJ EXCO all the best and success in their undertakings for the year ahead. You guys will have my full support whenever possible.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Annoyance - by Amelia Ho


A stupid feeling,

That makes you mad,

For some silly reason.

Getting rid of this feeling,

Is a dreaded task,

For it just comes back

When you thought it’s gone.

Time and time again,

The same sentence is repeated,

‘Shut up!’ or ‘Get lost!’ or something like that,

and you then realize, ‘It’s too quiet now’.

Therefore, annoyance

To me, a strange feeling.

What about you?

What do you think?

© Amelia Ho, 2005